Vintage Arnold Palmer Indoor Golf Game. Vintage condition... from 1993 Comes with everything in photos, including 4 score cards and the instructions! PLEASE SEE IMAGES. Endorsed by the King himself, licensed by Arnold Palmer Enterprises, the Arnold Palmer Indoor Golf Game is a kitschy conversation piece for any Arnie fan, or any collector of old-time, classic games. The boxed set includes a green, little tiny golf balls, a few "hazards," and the "golf club" used to play the game. It looks like a putter, except that on the end of the shaft is not a clubhead, but an Arnie head - an Arnold Palmer figure about four inches tall that grasps and swings little clubs. To play, you position the green and hazards in, say, your living room; decide on a teeing ground; and insert the appropriate club in Li'l Arnie's grip. Position Li'l Arnie to strike the ball, then pull the "trigger" on the shaft of the club. And Li'l Arnie lets it rip. Asking $45 If you are seeing this ad, the item is STILL AVAILABLE.